Being unable to bring forth a progeny is a devastating experience for the couple. The label of infertility corrodes the physical, mental, and social aspects of the couple. Infertility secures priority in public health, among the various pathologies that afflict humans, it has a special place & always been a major concern since age.
What is infertility when are you considered as infertile?
Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system characterized by failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.
How does infertility affect couples Stress-full?
In a nutshell, Infertility has psychological, economic, and medical implications resulting in stress, particularly in a social setup like ours with strong importance on childbearing.
What is the prevalence of infertility?
When a couple reports for consultation of childlessness both husband and wife were thoroughly examined and investigated, The increasing prevalence and clinical data signifies the involvement of both partners contributing about 25-40%. The incidence is highly alarming in the country it varies from 35% to 84%. Estimates suggest that between 48 million couples and 186 million individuals are living with infertility globally.
what is the insight of Ayurveda on Infertility and reproductive health
The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda explains the four fertility factors to consider for natural fertility and reproductive health; Seed(Beeja)- quality sperm & Ovum, season(Rtu)- menstrual health, field(Kshetra) healthy uterus , and water (Ambu) -Nutritional supplements. Seeds are the sperm & ovum that join together and get implanted in the uterus( Kshetra).
Who is responsible?
Childlessness could be male infertility, female infertility, or combined
Fertility factors | Male | Female |
Beeja Dosha
Quality of Sperm & Ovum |
Azoospermia Hypospermia Oligospermia Asthenozoospermia Teratozoospermia Necrozoospermia Leucospermia Erectile dysfunction Premature ejaculation Varicocele etc….
primary ovarian insufficiency
Polycystic ovarian syndrome Aging Fallopian tube block etc….. |
Rtu (Menstrual health ) | Metrorrhagia
Oligomenorrhea Dysfunctional uterine bleeding etc….
Kshetra (uterine/cervical abnormalities) | – | fibroids
Endometriosis Adenomyosis TOURCH |
Ambu | azoospermia
Immunological infertility |
Acidic mucus
Antisperm antibody Thick, dry, or sticky mucus Miscarriages
other factors | And so-many lifestyle factors such as the age at which to start a family, nutrition, weight, exercise, psychological, stress, environmental, occupational exposure, and others can substantially affect fertility like cigarette smoking, illicit drug usage, and alcohol, etc can Couples negatively influence on fertility. Other pre-existing conditions like diabetes, Hypertension et….. |
Couples are suffering from childlessness due to various reasons, are getting frustrated with current medical methods to evaluation, and treatment, and losing hope. traditional ayurveda provides us with new insights into therapeutic methods to solve this problem.
Ayurvedic philosophies address the body as a whole through appropriate cleansing processes, not just infertility problems. A combination of therapies, herbal medicine, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes are used to address the underlying organic or functional issue that results in infertility. Ayurvedic science encourages the elimination of doshas from the body, which nourishes and revitalizes the mind, body, and soul and corrects problems with conception. Let’s examine how Ayurveda can be used to treat the underlying reasons for infertility.
Ayurveda embraces wonderful descriptions of the process of reproduction. Our ARADHANA AYURVEDA WELLNESS CENTRE emphasizes the importance of the care to be taken in preconception ( GARBHASAMSKARA) time which offers a golden opportunity to provide the best of the individual it includes under-body detoxification like VAMANA (therapeutic emesis) VIRECHANA (therapeutic purgation) BASTI (therapeutic Enema) NASYA (therapeutic nasal instillation), UTTARABASTI (Urethral and Intra Uterine therapies) and RASAYANA VAJEEKARANA CHIKITSA( Ayurveda revitalization & aphrodisiac therapies) helps to cleanse and renew the body’s natural abilities for both the partner. It improves the physical, physiological, and hormonal ability to conceive with the ultimate aim of APATHYA SANTANAKARAM which the quality of conception.
How does stress affect infertility?
Stress is a crucial factor, customizing YOGA / MEDITATION therapy can help in balancing the hormonal milieu. Our team of expert yoga teachers provides comprehensive regular guidance.
ARADHANA AYURVEDA -NABH accredited multispeciality Ayurveda hospital we aim to provide the best possible medical care offering with quality hospital facilities and hospitality under the supervision of Dr Raja Reddy garu who is an expert physician and stalwart in the field of Ayurveda with 24 years of experience. The Hospital team of Dr. Santosh Kumar MD(Ayu), and Dr. Deepa Sri MS(Ayu) provide successful services in the field of infertility with their clinical experience. Our individualistic and customized clinical approach with this unexplored territory of science and unfailing avenue for achieving holistic reproductive health, ARADHANA AYURVEDA opens the door to a new dimension of scientific inquiry.
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